
4 Benefits Of Assisted Living For Aging Parents

Helping your aging parent decide it's the right time to move into an assisted living facility is never easy. After a lifetime of living in their own home, they may be resistant to the idea and you may be feeling conflicted or even guilty about the decision. Assisted living is often a positive transition for many seniors, however, and it can help to focus on the potential benefits. Here are four major benefits of assisted living:

3 Tips For Creating A Care Plan For A Parent With Alzheimer's

Caring for a parent with Alzheimer's can be overwhelming. Caregiver stress can develop and you could have trouble attending to you and your parent's needs. To avoid this, you and your family need to create a health care plan for your parent. Ideally, the plan should alleviate some of the stress that is placed on you while taking advantage of available resources. Here are some tips for creating a plan.  

Alzheimer's And Children: 3 Ways To Prepare Your Preschooler To Visit Grandma In Assisted Living

Children and their grandparents have a unique bond that benefits both generations, and preschoolers boost seniors' spirits with their lively personalities and inquisitive natures. However, it is hard for little ones to understand many of the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease, and you should also be sensitive to how dementia might affect your parent's ability to handle the boisterous personality of a young child. As you prepare for your visit, use these tips to make sure everyone enjoys their time together.

Does Your Loved One Have a Behavioral Problem or Alzheimer's Disease?

If your elderly loved one forgets conversations very easily, attacks you physically or argues with you constantly, you may think that they have a severe behavioral problem. You may be wrong. Sometimes, elderly people exhibit strange or frustrating behavior because they have Alzheimer's disease. If you're unfamiliar with Alzheimer's disease, you may not know that your loved one needs specialized memory care and treatment. Here are things to know about Alzheimer's disease and what you can do to help your loved one cope with it.